Failure, another name of success

Previous post on mistakes , gave me turbulent feedback. I got stuck by a question asked by high school boy that if mistakes are failure to judge (or decide) than what is failure? And why we fail? Again, taken for granted phenomenon was in front of me. Searching for answer of this question gave me bulk of literary material, written by various people across the globe and I really failed to read all of them all ;) Interesting thing I noted during search is that these works deals with success or minimizing failures, of course there are some exceptions who tried to analyses failures but these exceptional works are not much liked by people, as no one in modern world loves failures and why we don’t like failures or why we are so obsessed to success? Achievements, is one of the value which modern world strives for and people ‘achieving’ some position or material resources are looked upon as ideal, we are directly or indirectly forced to follow the path which is defi...