Multitasking, life killing strategy …

            I am a designer, a blogger, a research scholar, a friend, a son, a brother, aaaaaaa many things. Many things, many identities, many roles are being adopted (even assigned) by this entity called “I”. Every role has its own nature of demand. Performing these roles at its best is most challenging, most complex and most desirable thing.
          Today every human being is “burdened” with such roles and identities, to navigate between these roles and identities he has adopted strategy what we called multitasking. At single point of time we are doing so many things, for instance updating facebook status while sitting in class, writing assignments with listening music and what not. I feel height of multitasking when people take picture while kissing !!!  The first word which comes up in my mind after looking such snaps is undoubtedly F word…. Kissing is meant for exclusive experience but multi-tasking generation of ours tries to capture that moments and save it…   People attending in rock concerts now days don’t enjoy concerts to the fullest, don’t dance on tunes of their favorite star but they “capture” the concert to upload it first on YouTube. Why we are doing so?
         We are so obsessed with multi-tasking in life that we have started losing basic pleasures of life. We visit new place, we take snaps, not for our self but for sharing on social networks. Because of such this, we forgot to enjoy really beauty or essence of the place we are visiting. Same thing is happening with our relations. We are now categorizing friends and relatives and shaping our time and behavior accordingly. College friends, office friends, fb friends and what not….. We are losing out real fun of being, having and making friends because of this categorization.
           Race for success is taking us nowhere... Rather being in such race we are losing out something which called life. Life is meant to be lived, to be felt, to experience and not to be managed, not to be updated, not to captured and shared. It is full of emotions and full of feelings, multitasking is making us managers of our feelings. 

Quickly, I would like to share things which I have understood about multitasking, hope it’ll helps all of us to have better LIFE.
  • Never do more than thing at time; listening to music while reading might not help to get 100% true experience of reading as well as music.
  • Never Categorize people around you; it’ll make you understand people same as they are
  • Take picture for your own self not for social networks and please do not take picture of your intimate personal experience, feel that moment, enjoy it and remember it, don’t be lazy to assign your task to memory devices.
  • Talk more, write more, think more and do these things exclusively, don’t keep on updating, sharing, texting while talking, writing or reading.
  • Enjoy your life at the most, stop worrying about timings, places and people, they keep on changing.
  • Don’t try to manage your feelings, let it flow, if you are sad, enjoy your sadness to fullest; later on it’ll make you stronger and more humane.
  • Don’t keep any targets in life; life is not checklist of achievement
  • Stop worrying about future, enjoy your present, trust me it’ll make better future rather than managed (or achieved) future.
  • Don’t forgot that we are human, we are not agents of facebook, twitter, youtube or mobile service provider, we are born to enjoy and feel life experience, we are not born to upload our life
  • Don’t be in “update/upload first” race, social networks don’t pay you for that.
  • Multitasking can lead to more stress, more boredom and reduces the love of own life, seriously, avoid it!
Remember, every moment of life is exclusive, it is meant for single thing, not for multiple things, enjoy it to the fullest and LIVE life. 


sunny wadhwania said…
i really appreciate , the way u have related multitasking with the stress, but i would like to add that in today's time only multitasking could help because now we are used to work on deadlines specially when u r employ or u have a responsibility of finishing a project on the dead line u have to multitasking else u would be perished and most importantly your reputation in the market will be vanished so multitasking helps but i do agree it gives lot of stress ,but we are helpless we have to learn to work with stress
@sunny exactly !!! we so are obsessed with multitasking that we made our systems like that only, multitasking is now looked upon as matter of survival,but as humans we need to ask ourselves, are we born just to survive or we are are born to live...
Uniqueunity said…
I agree with and appreciate the view....
But man used to multi-task even before this speed, high-tech 21st Century. That is an ability due to the nature-gifted intelligence, although not to be misused. But somewhat necessary even in a normal human I'm thinking, analysing and typing.
@Uniqueunity i agree that psychologically we are have tendency to do many things at a time, multitasking in this post is meant for parallel activities done by physical body and not the series of psychological process... single act of human is cause of these process but it can't termed as multiTASKing...
Unknown said…
Wow, this is the type of life that I always want to live.
@chaula than go for it....don't think just live :)

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