Anna hazare, hero of this week J as an Gandhian socialist activist , attempted to pressurize Indian government for the Lokpal Bill which allows involvement of civil society in process of policy framing. This small attempt is believed as if it can control or finish off wide spread corruption in India. Gandhian Approach of fasting unto death was effectively used by an individual ex-army personnel.

There are many things which come to mind while this media is making hype over this fasting follower of Gandhi. Involvement of civil society alone can’t stop corruption, rather it bring out new format of corruption.

Media is most dominating element of civil society is itself facing problems of corruptions and influence of capitalists. Majority of NGOs, NPOs or CBOs in civil society survives on funds, grants and financial aids provided by government or multinational companies that clearly show that involvement of such elements of civil society won’t be able to make much difference in process policy framing.

On other side this week Indians again proved that they are interested in following any individual rather than taking charge to change scenario. This shows weakness of India civilians. Lighting candles to destroy corruption is not a practical approach.  Why Indian like to support? Why can’t Indians take a lead to say NO to in just? Fear is big problem than corruption!

Some simple steps to destroy corruption which every citizen can follow can be - stop supporting IPL matches , pay bit more but take receipt from traffic constables if you violet traffic rules. Don’t pay EXTRA even if you are in hurry; be austere to follow legal process. If you are really against corruption then do complaint, raise your voice. BE AN REAL INDIAN - DON’T BE FOLLOWER.


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