....and the Gujarat was formed

On 2nd may 2011, one of the baby mother India, Gujarat turned to 50 years. State Government and people of state is celebrated its birthday for whole one year with various kind programmes and pledges for contributing value to social, economical and political changes in state for betterment of country.

The word Gujarat is derived from word ‘Gujjar’. During ancient times Sabarmati and Mahi river witnessed human establishments at its banks. Maurayas and Ashoka also had influence over this land for many years after that Solanki and Vaghela dynasties ruled this state for long time, Karndev was last hindu king. During 1298 AD Aulaudin Khilji invaded followed by Muzzafar Shah. Akbar acquired Malwa and Gujarat establishing Moghal Empire for two centuries. During 18th century Gujarat become home of Maratha, English, Dutch, French and Portuguese people.

In modern India, under rule of J.Nehru, Morarji Desai a well known and most respected Gujarati politician proposed bi-lingual state (at that time India was forming states on the basis of languages) called Gujarat-Maharashtra. But people supported Morarji Desai with the argument that Gujarat can’t alone survive economically and development of Gujarati populous can hindered. The real reason behind for such argument was for Mumbai province which was (is) economical prosperous city and was enable to fetch good amount of funds for developmental projects.

Nehru’s cabinet suggested forming Maharashtra, Gujarat and Mumbai as three different states and Mumbai should be declared as union territory and there should be only one high court among all three states but this proposal was rejected. Kakashaheb Gadgille promoted a notion that Gujaraties forms majority of Mumbai and if Mumbai is declared as union territory than Gujarat will get most of benefits.

 During 8-8-1956 news of declaring Gujarat-Maharashtra as bi-lingual state was published as bill was passed in Loksabha followed by to ‘am chi Mumbai’ (Our Mumbai) campaign. On other side Gujarat become violent due to this news. Police had use tools like curfew, teargas and firing to control mobs campaigning against Morarji Desai and his supporters.  It was starting point of Mahagujarat Movement.

Indulal Yagnik was leading Mahagujarat Movement across the state for the state.Brahmkumar bhatt, student leader initiated “leke rahenge Gujarat” movement. Bhaikaka from Vallabh vidhyanagar initiated student movements for free Gujarat supported by Ranchodlal Vayada, Probodh Raval, Hariprasad Vyas , Harihar Khabhodja, Himatlal shukla, Dadubhai Desai , S.V.Desai and many more prominent Gujarati figures with supports of students raised the demand for formation of Mahagujarat.

Gujarat for first time stood united against Indian National Congress. There was violence across the state, students started destroying public property. Lots of public walks conducted.In some incidences students pulled down Dhoti of congress leaders. Campaign got momentum in rural Gujarat by disallowing white Gandhian cap of congress leaders. Irresponsible statement of Takorbhai Desai on the death of student saying that ‘bullets don’t have address’, added fuel to fire.

The innovative of opposing government ‘Janta Curfew’ (Civil Curfew) was adopted under which people of Gujarat volunteer curfew. This curfew was not imposed by government but people decided to stay in home. These actions threaten Nehru’s government in Delhi. This was time when Hindu and Muslims got united and fought for autonomy.

Finally, Gujarat got autonomy and admin challenges grown more. Ishwaran was made chief secretary who was responsible for all administrative transitions required to form Gujarat. Special trains where arranged to deliver all documents from Maharashtra to Newly formed state.

On 17th april 1960 a special train with lakhs of government employees with lakhs of typewriters and more than 4000 file parcels left from Mumbai for Ahemdabad. On 19th april 1960 Loksabha passed bill of separate state from its last phase.

On 24th april 1960, new ministers of newly formed state where appointed under leadership of first CM Dr. Jivraj Mehta and Mansingji Bhashaheb Rana was appointed as speaker while Mehndi Navaz Jung, a nawab from Hyderabad was appointed as first governor.

On 01st May 1960, newly formed cabinet took oath at Sabarmati Asharam, Ahmadabad.

And rest of history is known :) 


Brinda said…
Great to hear that!!! and the info you have provided is very nicely drafted.
sunny wadhwania said…
yes pratham i do belive in what u r saying but u knw wt i think that the creatio of gujarat in early 1960s had not a much pratical impact on india instead bit had an more symbolic impact and yes when everone was marching towards success then was it was same with gujarta???? and if yes then why ???? but ur blog was facinating and keep writing ......
@sunny i agree to your point , during those days identity politics was on boom, It has very practical impact on our country because for the first time people stood up against Indian National Congress. Nationalists like Nehru and Desai has face defeat from population. This moment brought administrative crisis in Mumbai and Gujarat province. Many students became part of politics and more of them were killed or murdered. I don't think all this as mere symbolic impact.
@brinda, thank you for your comment , keep commenting
Anonymous said…
hats off to you... :) you wrote really nice..
@silvy , thank you keep reading and keep commenting
Pankaj Shukla said…
It is a great honour that my grandfather’s name - Himmatlal Shukla, appears in the list of leading personalities who took active part in the movement to form Gujarat as a separate state.
I remember the meetings of Jivraj Mehta, Rasiklal Parikh, Ratubhai Adani and other ministers of cabinet led by Jivraj Mehta took place at our residence @ 7/B, Swastik Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.

My grandfather also led the team of advocates representing the case for Jhaverchand Meghani.

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