Let’s make technologies more human

My last post on this blog gave considerable feedbacks, thank god, there was more appreciation and less criticism. The most interesting thing I learnt from those feedbacks is Many people has many questions  comes from many thoughts gives many feelings and all this is shared in common domain which we can call as culture. I would like to shift focus on culture creation as a process especially when technology starts getting involved in this process.

Since week, I am experimenting with my facebook profile by putting random thoughts, obviously some of them are copied but majority of was original. Interesting things happens when you put any good, sexy, funny, sad or nostalgic thought on your wall, and what’s that?? People in your list starts LIKEing that or starts sharing that, why do they do so? They do so because they tend to identify themselves with those thoughts, which seems to be real, worthy and true to the. It seems like to be human tendency to associate self with certain situations and experiences in past and when that things are repeated we feel it SO REAL.

Going directly to the point, medium on which thoughts are shared (facebook) is an shared medium and that’s the reason why people are able to share what they feel exactly and others empathize as well as learn from that.
There is greater concern over such medium that, it creates virtual world and takes human away from real world. It is actually creating more and more gaps between individuals which are more dangerous to human beings, every human wants to share everything or something, he/she wants show feelings and emotions which makes him/her going in this planet, and every living creature needs love, concern and care. Do our sharing mediums (virtual world) allow delivering all these? NO, we are creating a culture where we give more importance to virtual reality, superficial feelings, and self centre relationships. It’s like kissing your girlfriend/boyfriend do not excites you but recording that kiss (in form of snap or video) and sharing it on social networks  excites you more, because there will be more 100 people there to like it , comment it, what the hell it means ? If someone comments you in public place, you feel angry or bad but same person posts comments on status or on wall you’ll feel it as ‘achievement’. Its normal situation at our homes when our parents would at least say it once in a day, “stop that messaging and listen to me”.

We really need to add humane factor to technologies we are using, again as per suggestions of my readers I would keep it short and precisely suggest some techniques to add this humane factor in technologies we use daily. It may help in creating better culture and make us more civilized.  

  • Do not text while you are talking to other person, device is not important than person
  • Post more original thoughts and ideas on your wall rather than posting and sharing silly pictures and videos, it’ll enhance your thinking capacity and improve sense of humor of others also
  • Instead of sharing feelings, generalize it, let people should feel what you are feeling
  • Talk more and share less, especially on social sites
  • Give more importance to information and education rather than entertainment and news, let people should know REAL use of the medium
  • Instead of copying and pasting, just click on share, why to take pain? It’ll make feel good to original writer also
  • Don’t Don’t ever text in ongoing classes, you are not fooling your teachers but yourself
  • Do not make cell phone an instrument to avoid situation, learn to face it
  • Avoid excessive chatting while travelling, try to enjoy your journey, talk to new people instead of old one
  • Set time frame before you start using social networking, its good be in touch with all but not always
  • Make group for forwarding text messages, it’s better than scrolling down 10-20 names every time
  • Do not keep misconceptions about comments and friend list; you don’t need MORE you need REAL
  • Do not start arguments on wall post; you can have it in real
  • Try to listen music or watch video which is commonly heard or seen while traveling, its more funnier than your playlists.  

At last, please try to make better culture for next generation, what’ll allow them to share freely and more importantly REALLY not virtually  


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