Before hour, I was discussing my favorite "Bhagvad Geeta" with a 'regular' blogger. It was really brain storming conversation over whatsapp. At the end of conversation she wrote JSK (Jay Shree Krishna). In  Gujarat state, Jay Shree Krishna(Hail Lord Krishna) is common and respected way of greeting Good Bye.

It was normal conduct to me but what inspired my thoughts on JSK is the newer format of adopting traditional thoughts and practices. One side, we Indians are surrendering ourselves to the modern applications of technology and life style and at the same time we are not able to leave our traditional mindset. This situation in fact has created newer ways for creative expression our traditions. For instances most of university functions or events are traditionally named but the events are inspired by modern and western ideas., I even found some rock bands named traditionally Whats problem in this ? actually nothing !!! except our consciousness about our acts.

While thinking on this topic, I came across the speech of Jay Vasavada, an eminent young gujarati scholar Jay, recently published his book titled "JSK" which is an illustrated interpretation of Geeta for my generation, which is damn active on internet than being in real life.  Unfortunately, I didn't get chance to read this book but I was very impressed Vasavada's speech at religious conference held at Mahuva, a small town of Gujarat state. This speech was well knit of concepts, methods and presentation. All that arrogant educational institutes who thinks religion as illusion, needs to look at this speech and try grasp the potentials for social research within the realm of religion, that too being damn logical and scientific.

Coming back to my point, I always admired Geeta for several reason but Jay's speech allowed to put it in words. Unlike other religious scriptures Geeta gives 'license' to be scientific and rational in understanding the idea called god and the system called religion. It do not say to obey 'commandments' nor it provides guidelines for 'moral code of conduct'. It is called upon as song of lord, not as order of god. It gives methods and perception through which one can choose and justify his own truth. In this sense Geeta outlines way of being rational in every condition. In simple words, Geeta tells about, you should eat it ice cream not just because you like it, but you should rather think for the reasons why you like ice cream and then enjoy the taste of ice cream as if you are having ice cream for last time. To understand Geeta is actually simple task but for human minds, simple is always complex. Simply stating, ice cream is easy to galp but we have to make some effort to chew dry fruits within that ice cream. This thought me allowed me think about emerging point of sufferings in our life. Briefly and quickly I am putting that in words here :

According to My interpretation of Geeta fear is base of hatred(even Aristotle agrees to this). Hatred is base of anger. For instance, I am afraid of pet dog in neighbor's house, I won't visit his house just because of I am afraid of dog, rather i will say that I hate people who has dog as pet, I may even quarrel and argue on same topic with my neighbor, in short start disliking my neighbor. His every act even of his pet dog will irritate me and I may become angry on him.

Hatred produced by anger again produce anger and this cycle leads to suffering. Surrounded by sufferings individual feels depression and stress. And we all know that, depression and stress is not at all good for development of rationality and Intel among humans. Rather this situation leads to decline of intellect which further results downfall of productivity in social, economical and political grounds.

Now the question raised in Geeta is that how to avoid such cycle leading to degradation of life. Fear is unavoidable situation as we are afraid of things, creatures, even of our loved ones, we are even afraid of life, that we don't want to loose. We can avoid hating people, its very difficult task but if we prepare ourselves to admit our fears and our weakness we can overcome hatred also. Once we are able to avoid hatred we can control our anger and we won't get exposed to depression and stress. Stress free life do not mean happy life but It guarantees peaceful life, state of happiness gets easily achieved in peaceful life.

Above mentioned logic may not be accepted by all of us but that's not my concern :) newer perception and novel ideas are always welcomed.


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