Syam Vichar Kijiyega (THiNK YOuRSELF) !!!!!!!

Mahabharat, great mytho piece, always inspired me, forced me and stimulated my thoughts about ethos of society at large.  Luckily, my generation is able to watch two good commercial manifestation of this mythological work.  Comparative minds always rate any one of these better than other. I am not in favor of judging which version is better and which is not. At every point of time society has its own preferences and it manifests its cultural capital in accordance with that time, nothing new!!!
 The thing which stuck my thoughts in new Mahabharat (broadcasted by StarPlus) is ability to rationalize religious notion which was projected ‘as it is’ in BR Choppra’s Mahabharat (broadcasted by DoorDarshan). Previous version showcased my favorite character, Krishna as god (and this didn’t attracted me much) but contemporary attempts to project Krishna as a bright, smart and intelligent knight who is humanistic, modern, socialist and pro-feminist (a true hero, in my sense).  I am not gonna a share thing s about Krishna for time being…. What I need to share is concept of CHEATING as projected by character of Krishna in contemporary version of Mahabharat… so, what does cheating means?

In general sense, cheating is bad word and worst act that human can do to other human. Cheating, normally means doing things which are ‘not expected’ to be done. In other words, it is like breaking mutual or formal contract we do with others. It may be in form of breaking (or even making fake) promises, it may be in monetary fraud, it may in form of tell lie, and it includes many such other forms. People who do this entire are ideally claimed as cheaters by society.
Cheaters are in fact, cream of society!!!  Or we can say that we all are cheaters. As human we are born cheaters (watch old season of Brain Games).  For instance, an infant cries, generally thought as he/she is hungry, that might correct, that infant may be crying to get attention of people around…. None of us can say that we always speak truth nor we can do it forever… and we all have to the accept this that we click “I agree” without reading terms and condition on website……than why cheaters are considered as bad by society ?
The clear answer to this is cheating activity hurts social order, prestige, emotions and dignity. The emotional or physical loss incurred by person due to cheating disturbs the atmosphere of trust which further makes act co-operation difficult.  And it is very well understood that how important is the act of co-operation for human kind.
As social animals we are bounded by situations created by self (or even others) to escape from disturbing (or not so comfortable) situations we tend to lie or sometimes to do fake promises. Such cheating do not hurts other so it is visible in our daily routines and it becomes visible only when it hurts others. Thus, cheating which do not disturb the other’s life is acceptable up to certain degree.
Coming to cheaters, they are my favorite people on this earth. Because they tend to creative in thinking new ways of cheating, their mechanisms to hide their cheating act are innovative, they are continuous thinkers and they are more individualistic. The interesting part of Hinduism is that it claimed Krishna as “Challiya”   which means cheater which do hurt anyone :) in theological perspective, Krishna is creator of illusion (Maya), he always tried innovative ways to cheat milk maids (Gopiya) of his village, he cheated his brother-in-law, he even cheated his brother for allowing his sister to marry person she liked and still he was not hated but loved!!! 
As projected in Mahabharat….why cheating done Sakuni is understood as bad (understood as conspiracy) and cheating done by Krishna is understood cute, innocent and acceptable act???


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