MBA in stress management

Before few weeks my father posted his facebook status – વસંત ના વધામણા (spring) , I felt very envious because he again proved that he is much younger than me :) As PG student I was so busy with my assignments, reports, term papers etc. That I didn’t realize that it’s a month of February. It looks very obvious, but if we look such simple things we can easily observe hidden complexities in it.

Staying away from my home town is not much nostalgic than staying away from campus of my ex university. Every February, was month of celebration in university campus and variance of its celebrations can be easily observed in city. We really feel conceited when we used to see photographs of known faces in local news papers. Celebration is in the air of this month in my city which glorifies its beauty.

Growing up is definitely desirable thing but growing old is not satisfactory. Today i can observe that even my juniors are growing old, I don’t understand why as human we tend to give importance to those things which are not at all important. I completely disagree to those people who say that ‘everything’ is important. Talking with old friends, Having a coffee talks , chatting random things with random people, going up to terrace and watching stars, taking mango’s down someone’s mango tree, fighting with mother or siblings etc are most important activities I believe to be a human.

Doing our job with perfection and in organized manner will contribute to our ‘professional’ success but doing all things which is not related to job is defiantly going to add up to our ‘personal’ success. I remember words of one friend from well known MNC- “success is not when you lot of money but success is when you have time to spend that money”. I memorize line which I studied in early school days – “life is like should be like dolphin”, it was explained to me as, like dolphin stays in water but keeps some portion of its body outside of water, in same manner we should be do our job as if we are in water but some portion should be kept aside and this portion is called LIFE.

  • Say hi and give genuine smile to whomever you meet, you’ll get same in return.
  • Share jokes, nonveg jokes will also do, it brings friends closers if you are adult
  • Compliment and complaint whenever you feel to do so, it helps alot to bring people near
  • Give time to facebook , orkut or twitter , only 30 min is enough , don’t get addicted
  • Talk to your old friend for at least 15 min, do not discuss problems
  • Keep your cell off for at least for 20 min , watch stars else watch traffic and people
  • Have one cup of coffee with your seniors and one with juniors in a day, don’t discuss professial things
  • Make any one column in your favourite and read it regularly
  • And finally , do not take too much of stress, There is no MBA in stress management :)


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