An American Society and liberty

Studying society seems to be one of challenging task, especially when your mind is filled up confusions regarding own (Indian) society and over that you are assigned to study, an American Society!!!! A salient thought came up in my mind when an intellectual lady from Harvard University said that society in America is almost extinct, I felt it as true at first instance, but after that I realized that it was just a lazy acceptance of argument from student of elite university of the world which was supported historical facts.

Going by the words of that lady, I realized that she visited church, she had good weekend with her friends, country in which she is studying (America) is in economic crisis, that country is considered as super power in politics , there exists no society in that country?

Polity, economy, education and religion are basic components of any society on this globe. Then why society is not directly visible in United States of America? Historically there are many arguments stating genocide of red Indians or Native Americans etc. Not looking back, what makes Current American living situation, an American society?

American society, in my limited understanding are dominated three basic institutes, Politics, Economy and Military. These three institutes at top influences lower institutes like religion, education and family at last.

Common people in American society seem to have very limited options and power in decision making or influencing decision making process. For instance nuclear attack on Hiroshima was not collectively decided by ‘United’ states, it was a military action taken without concerning people of country.

Top three institutes are interwoven in such a way that they have kept ordinary people busy in his routine life like job, education, entertainment etc. so that people avoid in interfering the process of decision making.

Economy of America once scattered into small production units are now purely dominated by limited number giant corporations perpetuating value of capitalism to control politics and education which will again serve their own interest. Schools select and train people for jobs in corporations and their specialized tasks in the armed forces.

Political power once distributed among states with week backbone, seems to be centralized which has entered into each and every crany of the social structure of American ‘society’.

An institution like military once considered as slim and well versed in public relation has become most expensive feature politics and now has grim and clumsy efficiency of an extensive bureaucratic domain.

In current scene, each of this institutes are so enlarged and centralized that decision making process for the society are now in hands of few corporation which survive on economic, political and military developments around the world and politics determine economic activities and military.

Idea of liberty seems to get limited idea of free space in America. Now its up to Americans to decide whether to form a new social structure or keep on moving with current model of society which gives them space of freedom in the name of liberty not the real liberty.


sonnya said…
One word that could underline American society is 'Federalism'. As we have many duties centralized yet states have their individual power to make their choice and decision its not the same way in USA. The federal authority , federal decisions and federal choices rule the day. In India we say we are close to our culture and tradition here also though the culture is not over encompassing but traditions are. For example there was a proposal to bring in more universities in to the ambit of the 'ivy League' the uproar was furious especially at Harvard and Yale as it was against 'Traditions'.
American society is now undergoing a reluctant change rather than accepting globalism and opening doors they are making themselves more and more self centered making the plea of 'our jobs, our land, our money. On a personnel note i have been sarcastically asked by this society ' wow you are here hope you will pack your bags and go also' to which i say ' I have not unpacked my bags yet'. The fear and uncertainty that plagues this society has made it embrace freedom unbridled and space unfettered. This has definitely hurt them whose repercussions they are slowly coming to grips off.
On a somber note to be optimistic that a society realizes that they have to evolve and become better is the need of the hour than being discouraged and feeling helpless.

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