If we look at today’s society its broadly divided into two basic communities the owner community and the worker community (labor community, including managers also).owner community in Marxian perspective is ruling class which owns forces of production and tends to exploit (make optimum utilization – that’s what they calls) worker community and therefore conflict of interest between these two communities are observed in market. These owner communities control various institutions like economy, politics, religion etc. in society.

In feudal era two main classes distinguished by their relationship with forces of production similarly in today’s era we can see owner community (capitalists) has control over all means of production while working community has control over only labor.

The laborer in economy must sell his labor power to survive as he does not have means to produces goods independently. Owner community or capitalists depends on labor power and working community depends on capitalists for capital power such mutual dependency of these two communities are not equal. Owner community gains at the expense of working community (Your Company will pay you Rs. 40K only if you can earn Rs.80k for your company).
Coming to capital, it finances the production process of goods for private gains. Everything (labor, raw material, material etc.) used to produce these goods and services are given monitory value and capitalists invests his capital in production process and accumulate more capital by selling those goods greater than their actual cost of production (What’s new in that to learn??) and monetary reward given by this owner community is lesser than the value of goods produced (profit). Interestingly!!! Capital is privately owned by minority group of society and gained by exploiting mass of population. In reality capital produce nothing, only labor produce wealth for society.

Since power of capitalists is rooted in control over forces of production and economy being major institution of society is dominated by capitalists who further controls politics, education and religion also influencing value and belief system of society. ‘Free market’, ‘free democratic societies’, ‘free world’ etc. are just illusions which encourage wage slavery. As Marx says- ruling class creates false class consciousness.

For now I can just say that both the communities tends to accept the status quo as normal and natural and are largely unaware or unconscious with real nature of exploitation and oppression and this is the main reason why  conflict of interest between these two communities is disguised and degree of social stability is maintained.
Trust me- Basic contradictions and conflicts of society are same and unchanged.


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