Development at what cost?

Media reported that land acquisition for Ahmadabad Mumbai expressway has began, major cities are bypassed. This news at very first look it gave great pleasure to me but while thinking on the other part of the news which states that all major cities are going to be bypassed.

The lands outside “major” cities are either agriculture land or forest land. An ambitious project for preserving environment through forest seems to be underestimated or neglected। Farmers are made voiceless by providing reasonable amount for land acquisition and people are made voiceless in the name of development.

Similarly, development of knowledge cities or IT parks also raises the same question. Land acquisition done at waghodia by L&T in the name development of waghodia taluka of Vadodara district illustrate how people of this country are made fool by capitalists. It’s a simple logic which came to my mind that when company acquires the land from farmers on the basis of promise to provide employment to their next generations gives very rosy picture but when it really comes to providing employment opportunity, company in the name of maintaining quality in HR provides low level of jobs the children of these farmers.

Pulling out tribal population from dam site or declaring forests as reserved area and throwing out indigenous people raises the question, are we really developing?


mayur patel said…
As per my view, this is not development but deduction in development.Because the express highway is going to construct on these land which are using in agriculture purpose, thousands of people earning their bread & butter from it.Majority of our population based on agriculture and earn their income from it.And express highway is useful for those people who are already develop,like Businessman,truck owner and so on.Which type of development is this?.
Anonymous said…
mayur, thanx a ton for repeating and enhancing my question, if we look at every development projects going on in this country has similar problems, why we consider infrastructure development as real development and avoid other development ?

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