We the VOICELESS People Of India

Since weeks my newspaper is shouting about corruption whether it is CWG, Adarsh Scam or 2G spectrum scam, whatever it may be topic of corruption is taking centre stage in media. I think people of India have become addicted to corruption and why only India, corruption is found in every country of this world.
In Gandhinagar I am using public transport bus (VITCOS) to travel Rate of ticket is very nominal like Rs. 3 or Rs. 4 , it has became practice by VITCOS conductors that they don’t return ‘change’ and people of this city don’t even ask (or dare) to one or two rupee back. I purchased ticket of Rs. 4 and gave coin of Rs. 5 , conductor didn’t returned me one rupee back, i demanded twice but that guy not ready to return back one rupee back. Then i used rash words and told him that if he wants to collect such one rupee coins he should sit near some temple why he is doing job? These words of mine were observed as insult to him and he returned me one rupee coin. It was not question about one rupee for me, I realized that if you allow such people to take your money being lazy and careless these people will make it a habit of CONSUMING your money. You just need to speak up for this.
I really loved ad campaigns showing youth saying no to corruption, but same youth give bribe to traffic police just to avoid situation. Premier and most trust worthy institutes like army is also under shadow of corruption. Young friends shouting on social networking sites or young students talking in open forums is SEEMS to be raising their voice but for me it’s just a murmuring without any taking any serious action. It is oblivious that talking or writing on corruption is not going to stop corruption people need to act on that.

People of India are becoming voiceless in the name of avoidance of particular unhappy situation and blaming government for everything. If you don’t like than you should speak up rather then moving away from that situation or just sit and watch what is happing. Hopeless people always blame that its a system which corrupt, who makes this system? We the people, it is simply an excuses avoid situation of corruption which in turn encourage bigger level of corruption. For me this AVOIDISM is greatest factor to encourage corruption. If everyone will have “who cares” attitude then who is really going to take care of our country?


Vishwabindoo said…
It is problems, increased with literacy. Iliterate percentage of people when less, there is less corruption. Literacy rate of country now increased and corruption rate is increased. Literate people now enjoying corruption is good practice and without corruption there is no easy life is being phonoman in public. Social networking is only place to shouting and heard the self echo. nothing else
Corruption is not only related with literacy !!! its is linked with ethics and values which comes through institutes like Family and Education. Less educated people don't hold high position in public so corruption is observed less among that strata of society.The greed of having EASY life made it undesirable phenomenon among intellects.Social networking is of course a place where people can raise their voice but its not ONLY place, today social networking sites are used for fun and entertainment in these scene it is very much required to shout in public rather than making murmur on such sites :)
Anonymous said…
This is an awesome post by you and I am lloking forward to reading from you in the future too hope we can bond over a pages of blog! can't say a cuppa coffee!
thank you very much vipin, even I am eager to know your views in through pages :)
mayur patel said…
By being the people of India it is our responsibility to stop the corruption at any level ,we are not able to stop the corruption at higher directly but we can it indirectly by stopping corruption at lower level,the best example that you have mention above(VITCOS) if everybody start raise their voice against lower level corruption i am sure that we will get good result in future.In gujarati there is kahavat"TIPE TIPE SAMUNDAR BHARAY" means if we trying to save one rupee as per you mention above it will be a good dil.I thik there must be a hard punishment for corrupter otherwise everyone came and repeat this thing.
exactly mayur , I am proud of people like you :)

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