Why my parents put me English medium?

India seems to be hilarious country to me where if you say word like “chumban” is considered as “Cheap”  but if you say “Kiss” you are viewed as modern person. This forced to think why we consider a particular language as superior to our own language?  I can find answer of this question in imperialistic history of India. British rule has suppressed people of India so much that getting Indian mental freedom is seems to be more difficult.
I think Indians are luckiest people in world who are able to learn minimum two languages, knowingly or unknowingly. I am not favouring to those who think that English is bad, every language has its usage and beauty but thinking some language as superior then other is not a sign of intelligence. As global citizen its required that one should know the language in which world carries out its business.

I think Indians are suppressed by themselves. Following any country is not bad thing but assuming our self inferior and others superior is definitely not a good thing.  Students going out of India has to appear for English language tests but students coming to India is free from Hindi tests rather they’ll “Glorify” the universities.  Sportspersons going out India do not ask for security when they go out but Australian government sends delegation to check security at CWG, Delhi.  Body language of Indian PM is clearly observed as inferior during his visit to USA.
Still in India people who can speak English is considered as intelligent which can clearly see in public sphere. Its a very deep impression of slavery on minds of Indians. There should be some way to eradicate such impression from minds of Indian public.

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